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Made for undergrad poetry writing classes—but designed to be adaptable for other levels, courses, and genres.


Rather than create a series of lessons that you must teach in a certain order, we’ve created a flexible series of lessons, some of which come with video interviews. You can teach these in a sequence of concept and craft lessons, or you can drop them into a syllabus of your own. If you’re interested in setting up a Skype session with one of our artists, e-mail us to see if a virtual conversation is possible.




The List Poem: Anomaly, Paradox, Irony & “Cigar Box Banjo"

A lesson plan by Janet Burroway that uses “Cigar Box Banjo” by poet Kim Addonizio and filmmaker Danny Madden.




Rhyme & “I’m Over the Moon”

A lesson plan by Athena Kildegaard that uses “I’m Over the Moon” by poet Brenda Shaughnessy and filmmaker Jessica Hundley.




Apostrophe & “The Mother Warns the Tornado”

A lesson plan by Saara Myrene Raappana that uses “The Mother Warns the Tornado” by poet Catherine Pierce and filmmaker Isaac Ravishankara.




Tone: “The Long Deployment” & “The Mysterious Arrival of an Unusual Letter”

A lesson plan by Janet Borroway that uses “The Long Deployment” by poet Jehanne Dubrow/filmmaker Nicole McDonald and “The Mysterious Arrival of an Unusual Letter” by poet Mark Strand/filmmaker Scott Wenner.




Enjambment & “Things I Carry Into the World”

A lesson plan by Eric Doise that uses “Things I Carry Into the World” by poet Cynthia Manick and filmmakers Jamil McGinnis and Pat Heywood.


BONUS: This lesson plan incorporates a video interview with Cynthia Manick, Jamil McGinnis, Pat Heywood, and producer Claire McGirr. Find it here.




Metaphor & “A Day at the Mall Reminds Me of America” 

A lesson plan by Janet Burroway that uses “A Day at the Mall Reminds Me of America” by poet Sarah Blake and filmmaker Ayse Altinok.




Allusions! & “The Robots Are Coming”

A lesson plan by Eric Doise that uses “The Robots Are Coming” by poet Kyle Dargan and filmmaker Julia Iverson.


BONUS: This lesson incorporates a video interview with Kyle Dargan and Julia Iverson. Find it here.




Fixed Form & “The Long Deployment” 

A lesson plan by Saara Myrene Raappana that uses “The Long Deployment” by poet Jehanne Dubrow and filmmaker Nicole McDonald.




“Either/Or” & the Necessity for Image

A lesson plan by Athena Kildegaard that uses “Either/Or” by poet Maxine Kumin and filmmaker Adam Tow.




Generating Ideas & “I Ate the Cosmos for Breakfast”

A lesson plan by Saara Myrene Raappana that uses “I Ate the Cosmos for Breakfast” by poet Melissa Studdard and filmmaker Dan Sickles.

For support of his work, Todd is grateful to Forecast Public Art, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, The Minnesota State Arts Board, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Poetry Foundation, Ragdale Foundation, The San Francisco Arts Commission, and the Warhol Foundation, as well as individual commissions and supporters on Patreon. 

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